What Do YOU Believe?™ Your WE can't wait to Open UP!

Welcome! I’m Máirín.

Hello, I'm Máirín. And yes, I AM a Medium. And so ARE You!Yes, I AM a Spiritual Medium. And yes, so are you. And no, we are not “crazy:” #BornThisWay! We all have the ability to experience the inexplicable ~ sometimes surpassing our understanding, often beyond others’ definitions of ‘normal.’ We’re born this way. Initially reluctantly, Intentionally obliquely, I’ve always Read internationally ~ sometimes in languages I never studied! My Spiritual Practices grew exclusively via reference and referral; primarily, they still do.

Christened Maureen butAND Essentially Máirín: I dream quarely BIG. Yes, both spellings are pronounced, “MORE-een.” And yes, I’m Irish ~ like my identity, Gifts Sets, Spirit, and Soul. And yes, “quare” is Irish, too. It can mean, “remarkable, excellent.” It can also mean, “odd, strange, spoiled.” And yes, I embrace all those descriptors as My Two MEs! 😉

By any Name or spelling and nearly* every description: I Believe, Teach, and (some say) Preach: All *psychic existential experiences like Spiritual Mediumship are inexorably real and undeniably Divine. Read more.

My Gifts give Glory to Others. God / She / He / They / Gaia / The Universe ~ and countless among others’ Deities, all of Whom propagate my Faith, Spiritual Gifts, and Beliefs. I’ve made one legal name change along the way; might another be in the offing? By any spelling and every kvelling: I’m finally MEs. If I may say? By any telling, all my Names make for great Irish Storytelling!

I AM? Grateful. Privileged beyond measure to bear Messages from Heaven from your Collective of Loved Ones and your The Others! Humbled beyond (even my) too-many words! Proud my Dad Knows my clientele spans four Continents ~ grown “the old-fashioned way” (like he did his). Finally DOing and BEing all I’m Meant to BE ~ nothing more butAND nothing less: I AM. AND? One. Fortunate. Medium!

WHY do I Hope?

Seventeen years on, my Three Reasons for daring to choose Hope still resonate with Advent and Easter and … what? No. Whom.

What Do YOU Hear [here]?

HOW do I Hope?

My Hope-ing via video helps you … do what?  Some readers say watching me witness Miracles rings more, well, resoundingly!

Watch with free Membership!

Join US in Hope!

My Witness[es]? Freely offered three days each year. [Very Triduum! ;)] Sign UP for stream-ing Hope in aLIVE eVENTS  via Patreon!

Join US in, with, & for Hope!

Talk UP with Heaven

“My Reading was like meeting up with a benevolent sister who also happens to talk to dead people.”

Learn UP about YOU

“Meeting with Máirín was eye-opening…one of the most powerful experiences…in my life.”

Gather UP in Charity

“…last time I hosted was by Skype. The experience was as if we were in the same room with Máirín!”

LBNLeast: Welcome, also, to OUR Foundation ~ for Good!

What's your medium for Good? Let's Engage UP ~ together on Patreon!Inspired by the Love, Lives, and Legacies of beLovèd Moms, Dads, and Families like yours, my-as-OUR Foundation is UPlifting Souls on both sides of Heaven via Spiritual Gifts, raising awareness and FUNds in Charity, elevating Energies, daring in Hope, Believing in Heaven, BEing LOVE!

In advance: WE thank YOU in Gratitude galore for Prayers and support for The Medium for Good Foundation!™ Learn more about OUR endeavors via my Spiritual Practices and ‘The’ Betty’s Love. Explore everything everyone might need to divine about Divine Good ~ e.g., discerning Intention(s), Mindfulness, Purpose, Legacy, Gifts-Giving, LOVE…all via genuine Philanthropy and, now, two Nonprofit Public Charities! I Believe we’re all mediums for Good. What’s yours?

Join US ~ UPlifting others!

Keep UP with Máirín’s Musings™ ~ plus NEW and revised eBooks, poetry, photography, and inspiring podcast, Heavenly Frequency!™ Subscribing is FREE butAND YOU get Máirín’s Gratitude, UPlifting Thoughts, and Prayers. Clients say you’ll love her rare eMails, too!

Máirín’s Home(s)

Chicago~Éire~Heaven…“Wherever Love IS!”

Máirín’s Hours

Wee Hours? “My favorite!”
Mornings? “Best for Readings.”
“Best in spontaneity!”
Weekends? “Best for Giving Back.”

Have a BIG Question? 11? 22?

Want insight re Máirín’s Healing, Wedding, and Grief Ministries? Need an UPlifting guest speaker for podcasts & events? Scoop UP your new fave emcee! Suggest Máirín’s new podcast’s topics!

Please: As Máirín teaches / preaches / beseeches…. Ask UP!

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